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History of Biomagnetism

What does the term ‘Biomagnetism’ mean

The modern term “biomagnetism” refers to a branch of biology which studies the phenomenon of magnetic fields produced by living organisms and the sensitivity and reaction of living organisms to the earth’s magnetic field and artificial magnetic fields. Biomagnetism arises from electrical currents such as ionic currents generated by brain or heart activity and from magnetic materials such as iron compounds in the liver.

A Long Overdue Tribute to Dr. Luis Garcia

My story begins with Dr. Garcia, like most of us, out of pain and suffering. 

Like many before me to meet Dr. Garcia, we were lost and out of hopium as to how to heal ourselves. My journey was 6 years of increasing pain in my legs and my throat until I met someone who happened to have trained under Dr. Goiz and helped me improve with magnets, especially noticeable after my 3rd session using magnets on me, once remotely. This was back in Spring of 2019.

I then happened to find that Dr. Garcia was offering a Beyond Biomagnetism course in New Jersey as I sought to learn more about this most amazing healing protocol, and that decision to take his 5 day intensive course changed the course of my life forever, and many others as well.

I grew up in a medicine family (urologist, 2 RN surgical nurses, dentist, HMO, etc..) and never heard of a Dr. taking time to train and educate lay people like myself who had no medical training whatsoever. Unheard of! And yet he is booked for 6 months out and more of his time, to share what he has learned about Biomagnetism with anyone who wants to learn from the Master himself.

Not only is Dr. Garcia been an MD for 24 yrs (?) but the past 13 years he has solely devoted his ..ahem “practice” full time learning and applying Biomag healing. Not only is helping the incurable, performing miracles daily for 13 years on, but even more important, IMHO, is that he is cutting edge cataloguing over 3,000 (not just the 1,000 in “The Bible”) placements to scan and place with.

In addition, he brought the ENGLISH version of biomagnetism to the USA Inc. where only Dr. Goiz would teach in the US in Espanol. This was huge in all of us gaining access to the greatest healing protocol the world has ever known!  Dr. Goiz’s classes, still to this day, require people who take his families workshops to sign a “I will never be a teacher or biomagnetism clause”, truth be told, and still a translator is used when the son, Moises, lectures the workshops. Dr. Goiz never put together any type of ‘blueprint to Biomag healing like Dr. Garcia has with, what I feel, is the greatest healing book of all time, the Biomag ..ahem..”Practioners” Guide (I ain’t practin’, I’m a healin’!)

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It’s NOT Contagious, You Can’t Give IT to Someone Else, It’s the Environment

Virus Spreading vs. Terrain Shedding ~ The Proof of Cover Up and Lies

Many people have heard the heartbreaking story about Nikola Tesla, and how Thomas Edison stole his work and caused him to go bankrupt. All the while Tesla has been pretty much erased from History Books…

   But how many people know about Antoine Bechamp, and the massive fraud of a man that was Louis Pasteur? Not many I’d bet, as Bechamp was too erased from history. The reason behind this is actually much more sinister then one can imagine.

During his lifetime, Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908) was a well-known and widely respected professor, teacher, and researcher. He was an active member of the French Academy of Sciences, and gave many presentations there during his long career. He also published many papers, all of which still exist and are available.

And yet, he has disappeared from history.

   On the other hand, Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) is one of the great rock stars of medicine and biology. Of the two – Bechamp or Pasteur – he’s the one you’ve most likely heard of. His is one of the most recognizable names in modern science. Many discoveries and advances in medicine and microbiology are attributed to him, including vaccination and the centrepiece of his science – the germ theory of disease.

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Sneak Peak Biomag Healing 101 ~ Complimentary Healing Resources


Complimentary Healing Resources

Nutrition. Supplements. Vitamins. Meditation. Creams. Lotions. Potions. Detox Food and much more. Healing powers of Medical Marijuana. Heavy Metal Detox Foods.

(Full credit and my deepest appreciation to Ms. Tammy Nathan Horton for her critical  contribution :)

   Contrary to the common allopathic approach, in healing and health, a one size fits all solution is most often not the case. We are all as unique as our fingerprints and we all, at some time in our lives, need of a little help from our friends.

    In this same approach Biomagnetism and its effects can be optimized and enhanced if an individual is plateauing in their convalescence. The methods discussed in this chapter will briefly outline some tools that can improve or promote further healing which can be used in addition to biomagnetism. Not every modality will suit the individual, but this chapter helps to explain the concepts of why and how it works with biomagnetism and where to look to research if it is something that is right for you.
   As with all themes discussed in this book using applied kinesiology is always advised to see if a modality will best suit the situation and the individual at any given moment. Having a clear set of intentions, a connection to source and a specific question with a yes or no answer, is key for using our intuitive gifts. Muscle testing for a modality and usage or dose for parameters is always advised for all methods always. It truly is a wonderful tool to have to guide you on your road to health improvements. Once you get it will be like riding a bike – you never forget how to. It is quite amazing.
   In the realm of vibrational modalities there are so many truly incredible and supportive tools one can use that come from nature for healing. We, being organic beings from the soil (soul) and of the salt (plasma), find we resonate best with using natures remedies in a slow and steady manner. We do not develop chronic illnesses overnight and we have to have that same understanding as we approach healing those conditions. There are rarely quick fixes, pills or potions. If someone claims this, it is wise to take caution. Slow and steady is always the best. Less is more. As above so below. We can anticipate the duration of our healing upward would correspond directly with our cascade to illness downward. In illness there is always health and we must realize and tap into this vibration within ourselves to ignite and catalyze further positive healing. No matter what level our healing needs to be experienced on, spiritual, mental or physical, we are a whole being and should treat our healing and experiences as such.

    The stars shine brightest in the darkness. No matter if you are using biomagnetism therapy for a pulled tendon in your shoulder or to promote self-healing of a long battled chronic illness there is ALWAYS more room for more health, always. Even if they are only baby steps. When the body is treated as a perfect machine of health, given the right conditions, the body will always find homeostasis and thus find a will and a way to better health. The goal is always to allow the body to remember what balance is so that eventually it runs on its own like a fine-tuned race car on auto pilot. Let us explore some of the tools for optimization.

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Sneak Peak Biomag 101 ~ Ch. 8

Covidiocracy & the Really, Really Big Agenda

Ill-HELLth & Medi-SINs

  • The 3rd leading cause of death in humans is from hospitals!
  • Western Medicine ranks DEAD LAST in quality of care amongst 38 modern countries and ranks #1 in cost, required coverage in many states
  • Vaccines are now REQUIRED for all, with Zero Liability and only pure profits from the government paying for their products.
  • We in the West die earlier and require more health ‘care’ than most other countries.

My medical father, when I asked him one day, “Dad, during your 30 years of medical ‘practicing’ did you ever try to prevent people from getting sick… like eating healthier, yoga, meditation, etc.”? His reply was quick and typical of the Western medical world,  he said without any forethought, “Why would I want to do that? Because I’d be out of job and you never would of gotten into college, son, so be grateful!”.

  • Are you aware that western medical doctors can make an additional tens of thousands of dollars in ‘performance bonuses’ if they meet quotas to administer vaccinates set up by BigHARMa? Sometimes this amounts to double what they are being paid as doctors now in major hospitals!
  • Are you aware doctors get paid to list the death of a patient as covid even if it was not the main cause of death?
  • Are you aware western medical doctors cannot even promote self-breast examinations and that medical drugs cost multiple times more than the same drug in other countries, by design?
  • Are you aware the CDC owns over 40 vaccine patents and profits from vaccine sales in the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars each year?
  • Are you aware no drug companies are liable, in any way, for any injuries or illness’ resulting from vaccines?
  • Are you aware that it is now required in many states that we must carry the worst medical care possible by state law and show proof?
  • Are you aware that forcing vaccines on people that are perfectly healthy is a crime against humanity?

   The Covid “Plannedemic”, was designed and implemented as a bioweapon, not a cure for a totally fabricated and made up disease. I say that because the number of deaths in 2020 over all worldwide was LOWER than in 2019 and 2018 and Flu cases, including death…, in 2020 were down 93% from 2019. Even though few got flu shots in 2020! They have never had successful vaccines for even the common cold of flu for over 20 years and vaccine injuries have resulted in the US government paying out close to $4.5 BILLION in vaccine injuries to date, even though BigHARMa is not liable in anyway and doctors receive heavy bonuses for making their vaccine quotas, to name a few reasons.

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Sneak Peak Biomag101 Chapter 1 ~ What is Biomagentism?

Chapter 1 What is Biomagentism?

     Who, What, Where, Why and How? Terrain and Domain. Femine Devine Attraction. Snowflakes and Unicorns. Distance Healing.


1. When a magnet is applied to the human body, the passage of magnetic waves through the tissues produces an increase in temperature due to the impact of electrons on the cells of the body. The impacts are very effective in reducing pain and swelling in the muscles, etc.

2.Blood activity is accelerated while the calcium and cholesterol deposits in the blood are diminished. Materials adhered to the inner side of the veins, which cause high blood pressure, decrease, and tend to fade. The blood is cleansed, and circulation is increased. The activities of the heart are facilitated, and the pain disappears.

3. The autonomy functions of the nerves are normalized in such a way that the internal organs recover their own function.

4. Magnetic waves penetrate the skin, fatty tissues, and bones, invigorating the organs. The result is greater resistance to diseases.

    Although state-of-the-art American medicine uses techniques to monitor magnetic fields, such as electrocardiograms, electroencephalograms, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI’s), it has not taken other forms of magnetic healing modalities seriously. More and more American studies, however, are confirming the value of the magnetic approach. As a result, magnet therapy is gaining credibility in the U.S. and being applied by increasing numbers of doctors and other health practitioners to bring the body back to optimal ph balance a wide range of ailments. Now awareness of this modality is filtering down to the general public, as increasing numbers of people are sleeping on magnetic beds at night and wearing small magnets during the day for greater energy, preventive purposes, and healing.

  Magnetism is both leading-edge science and traditional “therapy” that has been used by the Chinese for 5,000 years.  Since then, many cultures have tried magnets with varying results. It is said that Cleopatra had a lode stone (natural magnet) under her pillow to sleep on at night. Paracelsus, a scientist in the late 1400’s, used them successfully with seizures and many other illnesses. More recently, dual pole magnets have proven to be an effective healing protocol for most diseases.

 Since 1978, the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) officially recognizes that magnetic energy application has no health risk and accepts the use of it for healing therapeutic purposes.

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