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Appendix I ~ The Question Tree Method

Question Tree

The healing comes from a level of everyone’s highest potential— that all encompassing, infinite, unbounded level of one’s connection to their very existence. One does not have to travel anywhere to find That. It is already fully present with everyone. I use my intuition to ‘feel’ the presence of each person. Due to almost five decades of meditation, my access to Source is very smooth. My awareness acts as a bridge for everyone in the distance healing session. However, there is more. Once the bridge is formed, you don’t need me anymore. I am only a temporary bridge until each person can access the infinite resource of their own Divine Being independently. I look forward to serving you.

                                                                                                ~ Dorothy Rowe

Pre Exam

You may want to muscle scan for pH levels before the session. After, scan again to see if the pH levels have improved. This can be used as a baseline for your own proof that the session has been successful.

In the Questions You Will Find the Answer

Why are you here today for this soul session? What are your intentions to assist this soul? Do you have any expectations or desires of outcomes? Is your scanning biased at all by your feelings for this person?

Muscle test will guide you through the entire healing protocol question tree presented here. Trust your muscle testing and go back again and confirm, confirm, confirm until you are satisfied, and muscle testing confirms, you have assisted this soul all you can with this session.

It is critically important that you ask permission and the abilities to conduct a soul session with that individual you wish to assist and help. Some are not ready to be healed and may have unresolved karma conflicts that need to still be experienced.


It is critical that the more specific your Yes/No question is, the more accurate response you will get.  (i.e. What is wrong with this person? Vs. Are their issues here to deal with today in the head, neck, etc..? Is this placement correct?, Does there need to be another placement associated? Do they need follow up placements? If so, when..??, etc., etc.)

1) To Spirit guide, “Will you allow me to help this soul today”?  (Make sure to say “help them today”. You may be able to assist them in the future and you wish to focus on today. If no, ask if there would be another time to assist? Days, weeks, etc?

Continue reading Appendix I ~ The Question Tree Method

Sneak peak Biomag 101 ~Intro-Deduction


Born2 Self-Heal

   This book is for you and yours. It is intended to be an entrée level guide to help you get started and learn how to muscle scan, apply magnets to individuals and develop your own unique healing protocols that can, and should, be applied with most other forms of homeopathy. If we all can learn this protocol, and heal ourselves, we will take down the machine once and for all.

  This healing protocol has been used by the Ancient Ones, by the Chinese, the Vedics, the Egyptians and even Jesus Christ in his last act of compassion to his Apostles before being crucified. I hope you will take the time to download this information provided and go to my websites and you tube channels to learn more as well as the books listed in the appendix section for further knowledge and understanding. I also make this book free on .pdf.  


The 3rd leading cause of death is from hospitals! Western Medicine ranks DEAD LAST in quality of care amongst 38 modern countries and ranks #1 in cost. We in the West die earlier and require more health ‘care’ than most other countries. My medical father, when asked, “why Dad, did you never try to prevent people from getting sick like eating healthier, yoga, meditation, etc.”. His reply was quick and typical of the Western medical world, he replied without thought, “because I’d be out of job and you never would of gotten to college!”.

   Are you aware that western medical doctors can make additional tens of thousands of dollars in ‘performance bonuses’ if they meet quotas to administer vaccinates set up by BigHARMa? Are you aware western medical doctors cannot even promote self-breast examinations and that medical drugs cost multiple times more than the same drug in other countries and now it has become mandatory to have to have the worst medical coverage possible by law in the US Inc.

My Path to Biomagnetic Healing

  My journey towards discovering Biomagnetic Healing began from my activism and from a divorce. My true healing came when I broke my back at age 40 that threatened to ruin a pretty good athletic career to date. Since my family is all Western Medi-Sin, I was forwarded to the top back doc in San Francisco, who was the football 49er’s back doctor. He told me it was “one of the worst herniated discs he had ever seen”! and that I must “be in a lot of pain”…which I was. He told me the only ‘cure’ was back fusion and rehab and ‘maybe’ I might get to play sports and ski again, which was my love and passion.

Continue reading Sneak peak Biomag 101 ~Intro-Deduction

Sneak Peak ~ Biomag Healing 101 ~ Chapter 4 Principles of Healing with Magnets

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Chapter 4

Principles of Healing with Magnets

What are Magnets. Magnets in Everday Life. Types of Magnets. Power of the Laws of Attraction and Repulsion. Subtle Vibrational Energy Healing.

What are Magnets?

Any object that exhibits magnetic properties is called a magnet. Every magnet has two points, or poles, where most of its strength is concentrated; these are designated as a north-seeking pole, or north pole, and a south-seeking pole, or south pole, because a suspended magnet tends to orient itself along a north-south line. Since a magnet has two poles, it is sometimes called a magnetic dipole, being analogous to an electric dipole, composed of two opposite charges. The like poles of different magnets repel each other, and the unlike poles attract each other.

   One remarkable property of magnets is that whenever a magnet is broken, a north pole will appear at one of the broken faces and a south pole at the other, such that each piece has its own north and south poles. It is impossible to isolate a single magnetic pole, regardless of how many times a magnet is broken or how small the fragments become. (The theoretical question as to the possible existence in any state of a single magnetic pole, called a monopole, is still considered open by physicists; experiments to date have failed to detect one.)

  From his study of magnetism, C. A. Coulomb in the 18th cent. found that the magnetic forces between two poles followed an inverse-square law of the same form as that describing the forces between electric charges. The law states that the force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic poles is directly proportional to the product of the strengths of the poles and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

   As with electric charges, the effect of this magnetic force acting at a distance is expressed in terms of a field of force. A magnetic pole sets up a field in the space around it that exerts a force on magnetic materials. The field can be visualized in terms of lines of induction (similar to the lines of force of an electric field). These imaginary lines indicate the direction of the field in a given region. By convention they originate at the north pole of a magnet and form loops that end at the south pole either of the same magnet or of some other nearby magnet (see also flux, magnetic). The lines are spaced so that the number per unit area is proportional to the field strength in a given area. Thus, the lines converge near the poles, where the field is strong, and spread out as their distance from the poles increases.


   The Biomagnetic Pair is defined as the set of charges that identify a pathology and that are constituted by two charges of opposite polarity. They are formed at the expense of the fundamental alteration of the pH of the organs that support it and are in vibrational and energetic resonance. The NEL defines the bioenergetic limits where all the cellular metabolic processes are carried out under the normal conditions of temperature (between 96.8o and 98.7oF), electromagnetic absorption (in the order of 400 to 700 nm) and pH (in the range of 7 +/- 0.3).

The bioenergetic alteration of the NEL obeys the “Law of All or Nothing”, referring to when a phenomenon takes an organ out of its NEL and it persists regardless of whether the phenomenon which caused it continues to persist or not. It also seems that said energy limit is in the order of 1000 Gauss, since the bioenergetic depolarization, by means of natural magnets, also obeys charges over 1000 Gauss. Because of this, we must consider the normal manifestations of living organisms to be within the NEL, and pathological manifestations to exist outside of it.

 Types of Rare Earth Magnets

 It is first critical to understand the difference between the male principle of force, ELectricity and the female law of attraction, MAGnetism. Electricity is not created, it is ‘managed’ and ‘transferred’. It can be ‘stepped up’ or ‘stepped down’ but now created.

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 Magnetism has 3 main principle forces. Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism and Ferromagnetism. It CREATES energy through attraction and repulsion and eternal, omnipresent force in the Aether that Nikola Tesla was said to have tapped into to create free energy by grounding a rod into earth and running a conducting antenna into the sky above. That was over 100 years ago and we still don’t have free energy for all.

1) Ferromagnetism occurs when the magnetic moments in a magnetic material line up spontaneously at a temperature below the so-called Curie temperature, to produce net magnetization. The magnetic moments are aligned at random at temperatures above the Curie point, but become ordered, typically in a vertical or, in special cases, in a spiral (helical) array, below this temperature.

2) Paramagnetism is a weak form of magnetism observed in substances which display a positive response to an applied magnetic field. This response is described by its magnetic susceptibility per unit volume, which is a dimensionless quantity defined by the ratio of the magnetic moment to the magnetic field intensity. Paramagnetism is observed, for example, in atoms and molecules with an odd number of electrons, since here the net magnetic moment cannot be zero.

3) Diamagnetism is associated with materials that have a negative magnetic susceptibility. It occurs in nonmagnetic substances like graphite, copper, silver and gold, and in the superconducting state of certain elemental and compound metals. The negative magnetic susceptibility in these materials is the result of a current induced in the electron orbits of the atoms by the applied magnetic field. The electron current then induces a magnetic moment of opposite sign to that of the applied field. The net result of these interactions is that the material is shielded from penetration by the applied magnetic field.

It is easiest for me to think of Diamagnetism is the repulsion forces when two like polarities (- -, or + +) are facing one another. Paramagnetism are two forces attracting one another north and south. Ferromagnetism is the Aether, the Earth’s toroidal field, the omnipresent energy in Mother Earth and Father Sky.

Jumping Jack Flash, It’s a Gauss 😊

    The Gauss of a magnet refers to the magnetic strength properties of a specific magnetic material which is used to compare and rate different magnets. Each magnet made from the same material will have different gauss readings based on size, weight, and shape.

    Magnetotherapy refers to the use of unipolar magnetic fields from low-intensity magnets (less than 1000 gauss) used for symptomatic therapeutic purposes

    Magnets for use in Biomagnetism with the Beyond Biomag 3D app must have at least 1,000 surface Gauss so that they may provide the proper benefit. Magnets are usually rated in terms of the Core Gauss or the Maximum magnetic force at the dead center of a magnet. This is usually almost 10 times stronger than the surface gauss.   

   Therefore, a magnet with 1,500 surface gauss will have about 14,000 core Gauss. In order for Biomagnetism to function correctly, magnets of at least 1,000 surface gauss or 11,000 Core gauss or BrMax gauss or N40 or above ratings are desired for optimal use.

Continue reading Sneak Peak ~ Biomag Healing 101 ~ Chapter 4 Principles of Healing with Magnets

The Root of Emotional Imbalance, According to Your Organs


The Root of Emotional Imbalance, According to Your Organs…

The mind and the body are inseparable.

Ancient Eastern civilizations have long understood the way our mental and spiritual bodies inform our physical nature. Western science too has begun to understand the interdependence between the emotional and physical body: we know the ‘gut’ acts as our second brain and stress is toxic.

In fact, every organ corresponds to the energy of a certain emotion, and every disease stems from an imbalance in an organ or its meridians (energy channels). This is a fundamental idea in Chinese Medicine. Many times a physical disorder linked to a certain organ actually stems from an imbalance in the emotion associated with that organ. The reverse could be true: an imbalanced organ can heighten the specific emotion experienced by an individual. It can become a vicious cycle.

All emotions are inevitable, physiologically normal and will not cause disease when they arise in daily life. Chinese medicine only considers emotions as pathological when they are repressed, contained, or expressed intensely, often, without control, or out of context.

Specific herbs and foods with each organ’s correlating energies can be used to appropriately strengthen, tonify, and detoxify the organ to help even the scariest emotions to pass through easily! Likewise, the more we decide to participate in our emotional lives through awareness exercises like journaling and meditation, the more we can help treat the energetic organ systems.


Grief is the emotion of the lungs and the large intestine, organs associated with the metal element. Loss of any kind will often trigger a cold, a feeling of being energetically drained, and difficult bowel function. Grief can stay with us for a while, and can go unresolved until we decide to release it. When grief is unresolved and becomes chronic, depression and an inability to ‘let go’ of things can arise from this lung Qi Deficiency. This could eventually interfere with lung function and oxygen circulation. Since our lungs control the flow of energy in our bodies, it’s important that we give ourselves space to deal with painful events rather than stifling them!

To Balance: pungent flavoured and/or white colored foods and herbs. Onion, radish, mustard greens, daikon radish, scallions (white part), almonds, white meat, white rice, white beans, white mushrooms, gingko nut, white mustard seed, angelica root tangerine peel

Reduce: eggs, dairy, rich, processed or fatty foods that cause congestion


Fear is the emotion of the kidneys and the bladder, organs associated with the water element. It is a normal adaptive emotion, but can become chronic when we ignore it. Kidney issues often arise when we are dealing with fear, such as a change in life direction or unstable living conditions. When we experience extreme fright, our kidneys struggle to hold qi and we can quite literally pee our pants. Involuntary urination like this is often seen in ‘stage fright’.

To Balance: salty flavoured and/or black colored foods and herbs. Black beans, walnuts, black sesame, mushrooms, water chestnuts, seaweed, blackberries, black tea, psoralia root, lotus seed, stephania root

Reduce: cheese, salt, heavy meat, sugars, excessively cooling foods


Worry is the emotion of the spleen and the stomach, organs associated with the earth element. Too much pensiveness, worrying and insecurity can weaken our ability to digest. When we are anxious, we find it hard to digest and accept a situation or life event. Lack of trust and ease towards the experiences and the foods we take in to our lives will make it impossible for us to digest them. This can make us feel tired, lethargic, and unable to concentrate: a bit of a paradox, too much mental stimulation can actually cause mental heaviness. A week spleen can also be the cause of stubborn weight problems!

To Balance: sweet flavoured and/or yellow, orange, brown colored foods and herbs. Root veggies! Carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, parsnip, squash, chestnuts, fig, taro, liquorice root, ginger root, jujube date, astragalus root

Reduce: meats, cold, raw, and all frozen foods, iced drinks, excess refined sugars


Anger is the emotion of the liver and the gallbladder, organs associated with the wood element. Emotions like rage, fury or aggravation can indicate that this energy is in excess, and when we experience these emotions consistently, our liver can get further damaged. At this point, headaches and dizziness can be common. An imbalanced gallbladder can be caused by longstanding feelings of repressed anger, such as resentment, frustration, and irritability. Avoiding outbursts of anger will protect liver and gallbladder health.

To Balance: sour flavoured and/or green colored foods and herbs. Dandelion greens, beetroot, green bell pepper, peas, sprouts, bok choy, string beans, cabbage, zucchini, mung beans, avocado, citrus, barbat skullcap, fo shou, milk thistle, Chinese wolfberry fruit

Reduce: soft dairy, crabmeat, buckwheat, alcohol, fried foods, peanuts, and excess citrus


Joy is the emotion of the heart and the small intestine, organs associated with the fire element. When we experience true joy and happiness, we are nourishing our heart and small intestine energy: we feel mentally clear and able to process experiences. When we are lacking joy in our lives, the heart suffers and we can feel stuck, mentally chaotic, and have difficulty sleeping. Mania or obsessive joy can indicate excess scattered heart energy, and can be the cause of severe mental emotional disorders. Over stimulated heart energy could also cause agitation, insomnia and palpitations. Even the good emotions can be out of balance!

To Balance: bitter flavoured and/or red colored foods and herbs. beet, tomato, okra, cherry, watermelon, broccoli rabe, bitter melon, lettuce, arugula, dandelion, berries, chillies (in moderation), green tea, lotus root, sour jujube seed, arbor-vitae seed, mimosa tree bark, ginseng, hawthorn berries

Reduce: excess spicy foods, chocolate, sugar, salt, vinegar, garlic


Anxiety can have one of 4 origins according to TCM:

If related to the lungs and large intestine (metal), qi blockage can provoke shallow and irregular breathing or even holding of breath. The large intestine can be detrimentally affected by anxiety, making one more prone to issues like ulcerative colitis and IBS.

Kidney and bladder (water) issues could also be at the root of this emotion. Our adrenals regulate our stress response and when adrenal problems become chronic, they can cause anxiety. TCM recognizes the adrenal glands as the same as the kidneys. Anxiety can also be caused by disharmony between the kidneys and a blazing heart fire, in this case rapid heart palpitations are experienced.

Anxiety can stem from liver (wood) imbalance too, when longstanding anger and irritation goes unresolved. In this case anxiety manifests as nervous tension, irritability, and insomnia.

Anxiety from excess worry and pensiveness stems from spleen and stomach (earth) imbalance. This can cause stomach swelling and bloating after eating.

General anxiety aids: cooling foods to build yin, celery, tofu, valerian, chamomile, plums, tangerine, liquorice, ginseng

Reduce: caffeine, stimulants, alcohol, cinnamon

*Chinese herbs are usually more effective in formulas than alone. Always check with a trained TCM physician before taking anything new. Foods should not be restricted to these suggestions, they are simply a guide!


biomagnet, also know as a healing magnet or therapy magnet, is simply a magnet that is applied to the body for health benefits.

These are not just any ordinary magnet you may find lying around the house or stuck to your refrigerator door. Biomagnets are manufactured specifically for the purpose of physical, mental and emotional healing; they emit a static magnetic field.

Though we have discovered a lot about Magnet Therapy, there is still much to learn. While all experts agree that magnets work, many topics within the field of Magnetic Therapy are controversial. The following information is offered to help clarify what could otherwise be a confusing topic and to familiarize you with some common terminology.

Many types of magnets come into play within the field of Magnet Therapy. Not all magnets are permanent magnets, some are temporarily magnetized. Temporary magnets can lose their magnetism (magnetic charge). A permanent magnet makes the best healing magnet.

Medical biomagnetism, as a procedure of physical and natural order as well as external, does not produce iatrogenia or undesirable side effects. Healing mechanism

Theoretically, the charges of the biomagnetic pair have the same intensity, the same number of elementary particles and the same bionergetic frequency so that when facing each other due to the magnetic induction, their respective potentials are canceled, and at that moment the viruses lose its genetic information and bacteria its pathogenic capacity. This phenomenon allows us to identify syndromes in their etiological components, whether they are bacterial, mycotic, parasitic, dysfunctional, toxic or genetic viral; and mostly cure them.

Mental scan and distance healing.

In 1994 the medical Biomagnetism gave a “quantum leap” since Dr. Goiz was able to mentally detect the phenomena of bioenergetic polarization. That is to say, he was able to obtain the shortening of the patient’s hemibody without having to do the scan with the negative magnet. It was enough to ask “mentally” about the different points to obtain a physical response.