Basics of biomagnetism Q&A

What is the history of Magnet Therapy?

Magnetism is both leading-edge science and traditional therapy that has been used by the Chinese for 5,000 years. Since then, many cultures have tried magnets with varying results. It is said that Cleopatra had a lode stone (natural magnet) under her pillow to sleep on at night. Paracelsus, a scientist in the late 1400’s, used them successfully with seizures and many other illnesses. More recently, dual pole magnets have proven to be an effective healing protocol for most diseases.

What is BioMagnet Therapy and Zeta Potential?

The penetration value is how deep into the tissue the magnetic effect penetrates.   It is very simple – if there is a deep tissue condition, the magnet must be strong enough to penetrate the energy to stimulate the cells correctly.  Remember that the effect of the magnets is an all or nothing scenario.  The magnets are either 100% effective, or they do no harm = 0% effective.  All biomagnetic therapeutic magnets are designed to specifically reach the required A-Z penetration values. After a quarter of a century of development, you can be assured the magnetic power used in this therapy has been designed for the proper penetration values to help the body heal rapidly – whether you have pain, chronic illness or an acute condition.

Universal Energy Healing